January 13, 2010

WHY Prof Baregu denied UDSM contract renewal

THE government announced today that it won’t renew the contract for renowned political scientist and long-serving University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) don, Prof Mwesiga Baregu, as the institution of higher learning insisted that they badly needed his services.
The Minister of State in the President's Office, Public Service Management, Ms Hawa Ghasia, told reporters in Dar es Salaam that the decision was reached following Prof Baregu’s decision to participate in politics, which is against the Chief Secretary’s (Head of Public Service) Circular No. 1 of 2000.
“The circular stipulates clearly the things that are forbidden for a public servant, which includes vying for any political post under a party’s constitution or becoming a leader in a political party,” she said.
Ms Ghasia added that contrary to the circular, Prof Baregu has been a member of the opposition CHADEMA’s National Executive Committee, earlier as a nominated member and now as a fully-elected one.

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