November 27, 2012

"Be a team player, upgrade yourself"

Edmark International through its Edmark Education System under Edmark University of Success is proud to present an outstanding and powerful seminar which is the MLT/ TNT (Mentoring and Leadership Training and Train the Trainer seminar), in Dar es Salaam.

Date:   December 8th, 2012.
Venue: Peacock Hotel.
Time: 9am – 5pm,
ENTRANCE: Early Bird rate Tsh 30, 000/- only (Until 1st Dec)
Regular rate: 40,000/- (after 1st  Dec.)

Edmark Education System series of Seminars and Training's specialize in Personal Development, Sales and Marketing, Team-Building, Leadership, Communications, Relationship Building, Relationship Marketing and Health. Its objective is to promote man’s total well-being through a holistic approach.

We are talking about success in a highly competitive business environment. Now is not going to happen unless our distributors make a personal investment in learning and personal development. This is the central concept in building the total quality of life. It is the central concept in getting the best people to come to network with us, and its is the central concept in moving on to higher and more challenging but definitely rewarding levels.

Tickets available at Edmark Tanzania office, Call: 0784475576 to book your space, limited seats.

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