November 29, 2011



MUSWADAwa Sheria ya Mabadiliko ya Katiba ya Mwaka 2011 uliopitishwa na Bunge hivi
karibuni utasainiwa na Rais Jakaya Kikwete kama ilivyopangwa.

Hali hiyo inatokana na makubaliano yaliyofikiwa jana kati ya Rais na Kamati ndogo ya Chadema iliyoongozwa na Mwenyekiti wa Chama hicho Freeman Mbowe.

Juzi na jana, pande hizo mbili zilikuwa na mazungumzo kuhusu Muswada huo ambao ulipitishwa na Bunge la Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania bila ushiriki wa wabunge wa Chadema na wa NCCR-Mageuzi ambao walisusia.

Kususia mjadala wa Muswada huo kwa wabunge hao wa vyama hivyo, ulitokana na madai yao ya kutaka Muswada huo usomwe mara ya kwanza bungeni wakidai haukuwa umesomwa na wananchi na kuuelewa, hivyo kukosa kuuchangia, lakini walikataliwa na Spika Anne Makinda.

Kwa mujibu wa makubaliano yaliyosainiwa jana Ikulu Dar es Salaam na Waziri wa Habari, Vijana, Utamaduni na Michezo, Emmanuel Nchimbi na Kaimu Katibu Mkuu Chadema, John Mnyika, kutakuwa na haja ya sheria hiyo baada ya kusainiwa kuendelea kuboreshwa, ili ikidhi mahitaji ya kujenga na kuaminiana na mwafaka wa kitaifa.

Pia kutakuwa na mawasiliano na mashauriano ya mara kwa mara kati ya Serikali na wadau mbalimbali juu ya kuboresha sheria hiyo kwa lengo la kudumisha mwafaka wa kitaifa kwenye mchakato wa Katiba mpya.

Awali ilielezwa kuwa mazungumzo hayo yalifanyika katika mazingira ya uelewano ambapo Rais Kikwete aliwahakikishia Chadema kuwa yeye na Serikali yake wana dhamira ya kuhakikisha Tanzania inapata Katiba mpya.

Kulingana na hatua iliyofikiwa jana, Rais atasaini Muswada huo kuwa sheria ambayo inatarajia kuanza kutumika Desemba mosi, lakini wakati ikiendelea kutumika, kutakuwa na fursa ya kuifanyia marekebisho endapo haja itajitokeza.

Hili si jambo jipya kwa masuala ya uandishi wa Katiba mpya, kwani hata ya Kenya ilipitishwa na mpaka sasa zipo taarifa kuwa imeshafanyiwa marekebisho mara 11 kutokana na mahitaji yanayoibuka kwa kuzingatia mazingira na muktadha.

Makubaliano ya jana, yanamaliza sintofahamu iliyokuwa imeanza kuibuka kwa Chadema na makundi mengine kutaka kufanya maandamano nchi nzima, kupinga Muswada huo kusainiwa na kushinikiza urejeshwe bungeni kusomwa kwa mara ya kwanza.

Lakini pia kunatoa fursa pana kwa wawakilishi na wabunge kurudi kwa wananchi kuwahimiza kujitokeza kutoa maoni na mawazo yao kuhusu aina ya Katiba inayotakiwa na Watanzania wote.

RAIS Jakaya Kikwete na viongozi wa Chadema wakiongozwa na mwenyekiti wao, Freeman Mbowe wamekubaliana kwamba ipo haja ya kuendelea kuuboresha Muswada wa Sheria ya Mabadiliko ya Katiba ya mwaka 2011 ili ukidhi mahitaji ya kuaminiana na mwafaka wa kitaifa.Pia, wamekubaliana yawepo mawasiliano na mashauriano ya mara kwa mara kati ya Serikali na wadau mbalimbali juu ya kuboresha sheria hiyo kwa lengo la kudumisha mwafaka wa kitaifa kwenye mchakato wa Katiba Mpya.

 Makubaliano hayo yamefikiwa jana na kusainiwa na Kaimu Katibu Mkuu wa Chadema, John Mnyika na Waziri wa Habari, Vijana, Utamaduni na Michezo, Emmanuel Nchimbi baada ya kumalizika kwa mkutano wa siku mbili baina ya pande hizo mbili kuhusu muswada huo.

 Katika kikao cha jana Mbowe aliongozana na wajumbe wa kamati hiyo Makamu Mwenyekiti wa Chadema (Bara) Said Arfi na Makamu Mwenyekiti (Zanzibar) Said Issa Mohamed, Mshauri wa Masuala ya Siasa wa chama hicho, Profesa Mwesiga Baregu, Profesa Abdallah Safari na Mnadhimu wa Kambi ya Upinzani bungeni, Tundu Lissu na John Mrema.

 Katibu Mkuu Dk Willibrod Slaa ambaye ni mjumbe hakuwapo katika kikao cha juzi na cha jana na taarifa zilizopatikana baadaye na kuthibitishwa na yeye mwenyewe ni kwamba alikuwa safarini kwenda kuhudhuria kesi yake mahakamani Arusha jana.

 Kabrasha lililokabidhiwa na ujumbe wa Chadema kwa Rais Kikwete lilikuwa lina waraka uliotoa mapendekezo mbalimbali ya kurekebisha muswada huo huku wakitaka sheria iweke wazi kwamba Rais hana mamlaka yoyote juu ya Bunge Maalum la Katiba zaidi ya mamlaka ya kuliitisha kwa mara ya kwanza na kwamba mamlaka ya Bunge hilo yataisha mara baada ya kupitishwa kwa Katiba Mpya katika Bunge Maalum la Katiba.

 Wametaka ifanyike hivyo kwa kuwa sheria hiyo inampa Rais mamlaka juu ya Bunge Maalum la Katiba wakati Bunge hilo linatakiwa kuwa chombo huru na chenye mamlaka ya juu kuliko mamlaka nyingine zozote katika nchi.

 Katika waraka wao, Chadema wameeleza kutaka vifungu vyote vinavyokiuka haki za kimsingi za kikatiba vifutwe na kuwapo na uhuru kamili wa kujadili, kukusanya na kuratibu maoni ya wananchi juu ya utungaji wa Katiba Mpya hata kama itakuwa kinyume na matakwa ya Tume ya Katiba na masharti ya Sheria hiyo.

Katika ukusanyaji na uratibu wa maoni ya wananchi juu ya Katiba Mpya na masuala ya muungano wametaka ziundwe tume mbili za katiba, moja itakayokusanya na kuratibu maoni ya wananchi kuhusu katiba mpya kwa ajili ya masuala yasiyokuwa ya Muungano ya Tanganyika na ya pili itakayokusanya na kuratibu maoni ya wananchi juu ya masuala ya Muungano.

THE CITIZEN – JK, CHADEMA Talks:  The Way forward
The government and the opposition Chadema party have agreed in principle that the newly passed Constitutional review Act 2011 bill needs major amendments.

A joint statement issued yesterday by the two sides at the end of two days  of consultations, said that the bill should be improved so as to bring  it to the requirements of building a national consensus as well as cohesion. The one page statement signed by the minister for Information, Youth, Culture and Sports, Dr Emmanuel Nchimbi, on behalf of the government and Chadema Director for Foreign Affairs and International relations, Mr John Mnyika, notes also that the talks were conducted in a cordial atmosphere.

The two sides also agreed in the closed door talks that there was a need  for the government and other stakeholders to hold constant  meetings and consultations, for the purpose of building and strengthening national consensus during the process of crafting a new Constitution.

The agreement has brought the two sides at the middle ground. The Chadema team, which was led by its national chairman, Mr Freeman Mbowe, went into the talks with  a strong proposal that President Kikwete should not sign the new Bill into law.

On the other hand, the government believed that the bill was perfect and President Kikwete indicated that he would  endorse it despite sentiments from Chadema and a number of activists under the banner of Tanzania Constitution Forum (TCF).

President Kikwete, his government and the Parliament, insisted that the Bill has no flaws as it followed all legal  processes and procedures during its processing before it was passed by the Parliament more than a week ago.

Chadema MPs boycotted the debate on the Bill in Parliament in protest over claims that the authorities did not give common Tanzanians an  opportunity to widely discuss one of “the most important pieces of legislation to have been drafted in the last 50 years.”

And the thrust of  the Chadema message to President Kikwete and his team during the talks centred on rejecting the Bill, asking that it should not be assented, and its processing start afresh.

In their letter to the President, a copy of which was seen by The Citizen, the opposition party pleaded with  the Head of State not to assent the Bill so as to give time for wananchi to air their views on it. They also argued that there is a need for wananchi to be educated about the Bill as experience has shown that most people believe that what was passed was a new Constitution. Chadema said there was a need to first amend the current constitution in order to align it with prevailing conditions, in order to have a level playing field between the two sides of the Union during the writing of a new Constitution.

DAILY NEWS - Kikwete, Chadema reach consensus
PRESIDENT Jakaya Kikwete will soon sign into law the Constitutional Review Bill following a two-day meeting with a delegation from the opposition Chadema that apparently held different views.

 This means that the review process will start anytime from now, putting to an end heated debate and forums on the same that recently dominated the country’s political scene.

 A press statement signed by the Minister for Information, Culture and Youth, Mr Emmanuel Nchimbi, and Chadema Acting Secretary General John Mnyika reiterated that the meeting was conducted in a friendly atmosphere.

 The five-hour long meeting that started from 10am at the State House in Dar es Salaam on Monday, concluded that despite the Bill being passed by Parliament, it would be amended if and when necessary for it to win public trust and national consensus.

 The two parties also underscored the need for frequent communications and cooperation between the government and other stakeholders on improving the law to maintain national consensus during the constitutional review process.

 The CHADEMA delegation was led by the party’s National Chairman, Mr Freeman Mbowe. On Sunday, President Kikwete received recommendations on constitution review from CHADEMA. Both parties agreed that the process should adhere to the interest of the nation much as it should also refrain from dividing the public according to their religion, tribe and region.
 Last week, CHADEMA sought the president’s audience over the constitutional review Bill after their bid to stop a second tabling of the constitutional review Bill in parliament by staging a walk-out failed.

 Demonstrations planned by activists scheduled for Saturday to press President Kikwete not to sign into law the constitutional review Act were banned by police for fear that they would escalate into chaos. 

My take: 
Hizo YELLOW, sijaelewa sawasawa, labda wataalamu wanaweza kunisaidia, mnisamehe kwa kutokuelewa kwangu muafaka huu hasa kutokana na nukuu hizo. 

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