Tarime — FELISTA Laurent (15) had not been admitted to hospital in her life, until November 4, this year, when she was attacked by his father, Laurent Nyonyo and hospitalised at Tarime District Regional Hospital, with serious wounds. This was after she refused to get married. Staff Writer MUGINI JACOB visited the young girl at the hospital and now reports...
SHE is young and plans to begin her secondary education next year. Sadly, her future stands in limbo because her father wanted to receive some cows in dowry, forcing her to accept early marriage and thus sacrifice education.
The decision by Felista to reject an offer for early marriage has denied her father nine heads of cattle, but she is now feeling the pinch of not becoming a mother as early as her father wished.
"I have never been admitted to a hospital since I was born, but I am now wounded and hospitalized for refusing to be married", Felista says.
Yaani hawa watani zangu wananiacha hoi, wanasema ukipata mtoto wa kike tayari ni mtaji kwao. chekini na hii post ya zamani muone wakurya wasivyo na masihara ndoa za lazima
Jamni! jamani kwanini? Inasikitisha sana kuona haya mambo mpaka karne hii bado tu. Kulazimishwa kuolewa je ni baba au mimi nitaishi na limtu hilo nisilolipenda? Ngoja niache nisije niakaandika na nisichotaka kuandika hapa.
Hapo Baba mtu alikuwa anapiga hesabu ya ng'ombe kadhaa
One thing we do not need to joke about is the cultivation of bang at the area. but these people are to be educated.
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