
September 13, 2011

"Beautiful Desert Roses" by Mwanzo Millinga

Opening the 3rd Exhibition in Paris, The French Minister for Culture and Communication, Frederic Mitterrand, said, "Mwanzo, I am deeply touched by the subject you chose to deal with, albinism and the problems encountered by. I am amazed by your humanistic feeling about these people and the quality of your work is fantastic. Lets have a picture together." He dragged me and we posed for a picture

By Mwanzo Millinga, Tanzania
My inspiration to photograph people with albinism is based on personal admiration of them as beautiful people.

Beauty, as a study in aesthetics, is an entity which is adored, or has characters that are refered to beauty. These can either be individual or in a civilization, that involve the interpretation of some entities as being in balance and harmony with nature. The interpretation may lead to fealings of attraction and emotional well-being. Therefore, beauty is a subjective experience, and it is always said that « beauty is in the eye of the beholder. »

Biologically, albinos are people who lack pigment in their skin, eyes and hair. According to biological findings, majority of albinos are dying at the age of 40 mainly due to skin cancer and sun burn. The genetic disorder causing albinism also results in abnormal vision and, nystagmus which is an involuntary eye movements.

Albinos in Tanzania face two major problems. The first problem is genetic disorder in relation in relation to the environment. This shortern their life as sun burn and skin cancer make them die earlier. The second major problem is the killing from fellow human beings.

There is a tendecy of some people to think of the power of witchcraft in realizing their success dreams. In connection of the albino killings, witchcraft is the main source of the killings. Unfaithful witchdoctors usually tell their clients about the use of albino body parts in making medicine for them to be rich and successful. This makes the demand of the albino body parts go up and increase the killings...
Read more here 

BPB say,
Congratulation Mwanzo, this is a fantastic work, the subject you chose and the way of portraying them is also touchy, I am sure, by shading lights through the powerful medium of photography to the plight of our fellow Tanzanians facing will be a wakeup call to lots of people in the world and eventually turn their attentions to this problem and hopeful take necessary measure.

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