
October 15, 2011



CONSUMPTION of fast food, the lifestyle that majority of office workers prefer together with tedious office duties and the customary reluctance among elders to consume vegetables and fruits, increase chances for prostate cancer, it is reported.

 Studies have found that people in rural communities who spend hours in the field taking food with natural ingredients do not run the risk as high as their counterparts in urban areas where some survive on eggs and chicken with chips.

 Experts at Ocean Road Cancer Institute in Dar es Salaam have noticed a dramatic increase in the number of reported cases of prostate cancer in the last five years.
 The majority of the victims based in urban centres admit they took fatty diet regularly without fruits or vegetables.

 Prof Johnson Mbagga from the cancer institute has said that although there were different causes of prostate cancer ranging from age, genetics (hereditary) and others, diet contribute significantly to the problem.

It has also been established that there is a clear link between obesity and increased prostate cancer risk.

The study says that at later stage the disease spreads out, leading to death especially among obese people.

 “Scientists have established that consumption of vegetables, fruits, soya beans, green tea and vitamins may reduce a person's chances to develop prostate cancer....
For more Visit Daily News Online.
source Daily News.

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