
December 21, 2009

Picha hii yashika nafasi ya tano duniani.

Shirika la habari la Uholanzi Radio Netherlands Worldwide limeipa shavu picha hii na kushika nafasi ya tano katika shindano lake la hivi karibuni.

An international jury of leading journalists has evaluated all the eligible entries, and the winner is Veena Krishna (39) from Mumbai. Her entry ‘To make the girl-child live’, consisting of a photograph and accompanying text, tackles the issue of child policy in India, where girls are considered inferior to boys. Her prize is an all-expenses-paid week’s internship at RNW’s international newsroom in the Netherlands.

RNW received 535 entries from around the world in response to the question ‘Share your world with the world... What do you want to change?’. The majority of entries came from Arabic and English-speaking countries and from Indonesia. The international jury of leading journalists awarded the second prize to Bai Xiaoci from China and the third prize to Eric Barrantes Garcia from Peru.

Jury chairman Rik Rensen, RNW’s editor-in-chief, commented that Veena Krishna’s seemingly simple photograph reveals an entire hidden world: “Her entry made a powerful impression on me, because it conceals a dramatic story.”

Other prizes Second prize, a digital video camera, goes to Bai Xiaoci from China for his photograph of a man carrying a huge load of chemical drums on his bicycle. Xiaoci’s photograph reminds us that China’s economic development has often taken place at the expense of the environment.

Eric Barrantes Garcia from Peru won the third prize, the choice of a reference book in the field of journalism. The jury noted that his photograph addresses three issues: the problem of poverty and its social consequences, social injustice and the precarious condition of this kind of construction in case of heavy rainfall caused by climate change.

The other nominees are:

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