
December 29, 2008

WIZI MTUPU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JAMANI WEZI HAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! South Africa 2010 Lottery Headquarters31, Brixton Court, Carlton, East Gate Johannesburg 2001South africa

Attn. Winner, AWARD WINNING NOTIFICATION The South African National Lottery is pleased to announceto you the draw of South African 2010 world cup bid lotteryinternational award programs held in Zurich, Switzerland. Participants were randomly selected from World Wide Website through computerised draw system and extracted fromover (100,000 000) companies and individual emailsaddresses. The 2010 lottery programe is intended topromote South Africa's 2010 soccer world cup award. In the draw,your e-mail address attached to the following information below: Reference Batch Number B9665 75604546 199 Serial Number 97560 Lucky Numbers 60/84/27/17/36 This ibnformation subsequently confers on you the lottery award in the 2nd category. You have therefore been approved to claim a total sum of US$ 1,000,000.00 (One Million United States dollars) in cash credited to file (KPC/9030108308/03). This is from a total cash prize of US$400,000,000.00 shared among the first 400 lucky winners in this category world-wide. Kindly note that your lucky winning number falls within ourlottery booklet representative office in South Africa asindicated in the play coupon. In view of this, yourUS$1,000,000.00 (One Million United Statesdollars) would be released to you as soon as youracknowledgement or confirmation of this winning awardis processed. For security reasons, you are advised tokeep your winning information confidential untill yourclaims are processed and your money remitted.This is part of our precautionary measure to avoid doubleclaiming and unwarranted abuse of this program by someunscrupulous elements. Please proceed immediately to file for your claim with ourAward/Claims Manager for urgent release of your fundthrough the contact details below: Name: Barr. Michael Horman Phone number: +27-73-146-3645 Email Address:

Please be informed that all winning awards designated toyou must be claimed on or before 12 midnight CentralAfrican Time (C.A.T) 4th of January 2009. Any breach of confidentiality on the part of the winners will result in disqualificat ion of your claim. Contact our Award/Claimsmanager for confirmation and endeavour to quote yourreference batch numbers in any correspondences with us. Congratulations once more and thank you for being part ofthis promotional lottery program. Sincerely, Stella Barnard(S.A National Lottery Co-ordinator)

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